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Keep your solar panels clean

Keeping your solar panels clean Dirty solar panels lose up to 25% of their efficiency Solar panels require exposure to direct sunlight in order to produce the most effective electrical output. Dust and pollution settle on the protective glass layer of solar panels resulting in lower total power output. In extreme cases, shade cast by…

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Water Heating Appliances

Comparing Water Heater Appliances for Efficiency We look at Resistive Heating, Heat Transfer and Solar Heating options Resistive Water Heating This electric water heating appliance is a familiar sight in most homes. The conventional geyser heats a tank of water by passing an electrical current through a resistive heating element. These appliances are notorious energy…

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Electronics on a UPS

Protecting your sensitive electronics with a UPS Investigating the Uninterruptible Power Supply A UPS is an electrical appliance that provides emergency power to a load when the mains power fails. A UPS differs from an auxiliary power system in that it will provide near-instantaneous protection from input power interruptions by supplying energy stored in a…

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Energy Wise Dish Washing

Mild on your hands and easy on your pocket Using a dishwasher can save you money Using an electric device to wash your dishes might seem counter-intuitive when it comes to saving energy, but when you consider the amount of energy required to heat tap water let alone the amount of water needed to wash…

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The Science of Solar Array Orientation

The Science of Solar Array Orientation South Africa is often considered one of the largest solar markets on the African continent. Under renewed calls for a shift away from fossil fuels and the necessity of relieving strain from an ageing power grid, we take a look at measured data to determine the optimum tilt and…

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6 Electrical Safety Tips

6 Electrical Safety Tips for Business and Homeowners The ubiquitous applications of electricity in our moderns lives often lead to a blazé attitude toward the safety precautions we ought to observe when using any electrical appliance. It is estimated that around 4 000 fires are started annually in South Africa due to faulty electrical installations…

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