Electricity really can leak into the ground

If your electricity bill is higher than it should be, there are many possible causes to consider. Despite installing energy-efficient appliances and adhering to energy-efficient best practices, your electricity bill may still be high due to an electrical fault or phantom loads constantly drawing power. Most homeowners don't believe it when we say that electricity can leak into the ground. Much like a leaky pipe, faulty wiring can cause current to flow freely and wastefully to nowhere. In fact, energy expert estimate that up to 15% of your annual household energy consumption.

Older analogue electricity meter with spinning disks to indicate the flow of electrical current

In today's #EfficiencyFriday we're searching for phantom loads

Remember that electricity can be dangerous

If you are unsure about any of your electrical installations or connections - it's best to call a professional electrician

Electricity follows the path of least resistance

Searching for an electrical leak

Step 1

Have a look at your electricity meter - you should see a spinning disk if it's an analogue meter or a flashing light if the meter is digital. With all your appliances and lights switched off, the disk should not move and the light shouldn't flash.

Step 2

If you see any indication of current still flowing, you should try to isolate the specific circuit. Start by switching off the individual circuit breakers in the distribution board - monitoring the meter after each switch-off. When the meter no longer registers any current after switching off a circuit breaker, you have identified the faulty circuit.

Step 3

Now that you have identified that a circuit in your house is faulty or has a phantom load drawing unnecessary power from your grid, it's time to phone a professional.

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